Month: February 2019

North Channel Charters

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It’s been a while since I’ve wrote a blog post. I’ve been Vloging instead. I find it more of a creative outlet than Bloging. When Bloging I did it at the end of the day. Kind of like a diary. With Vloging I’m thinking about what to record and how to do it. I edit every night and post to YouTube. Link: Here.

2019 will be the season that we have a boat for rent in the North Channel. Lots of details to iron out yet but it looks like the boat will be in Little Current.

I still have lots to do to the website. One big thing I need to change is pricing. (This week.)

The new pricing will be $1500/ week. That’s $500 more than I wanted to charge per week! Why??? Insurance.

Here is the link to the Charter site.

Thanks for checking us out. Please share our charter with your friends. It’s a great deal!Mac Sunrise

That’s the Boat!
