Silly dog. I’m not that tasty!

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I was bit by a dog today. The dog was a German Shepard. (There the bittiest of people so the internet says. Who really knows though… Dogs just bite.)Bad dog

I was walking over to talk to someone and walked past there van that had the side doors open and was bit from behind on the left leg around my calf just below my knee. Just as I got to the front of the van. I must have scared the dog because it came from behind without making a noise. (I didn’t even know the guy I was going to talk to had a dog.) It was a fear bite. (Quiet and from the back…) Had I known there was a dog I wouldn’t have been bit. I wouldn’t have let it get behind me!

I’m told 90% or more of dog bites are fear bites from the back. So don’t let them get behind you!

I went to a walk in clinic after and the Dr. didn’t even bother to clean up the blood that was running down my leg! I have a hole in the front of my leg in my shin that looks like a small caliber bullet wound! It’s a deep puncture! The back of my leg is more scratched and has teeth impressions too. No deep holes though. I was told by the Dr. to wash it with soap and water and put an antibacterial cream on that a prescription was given for… Everyone I talk to about being bitten say that it’s going to hurt more tomorrow… Great! It hurts a lot now! 20141105_130326(0) 20141105_130316

So after supper tonight I got to work on the trailer for the new MacGregor. I installed the middle rollers and a spare tire holder and tire. (Easy stuff that I needed to get done. I just thought that if I’m in more pain tomorrow I’m not going to get it done. I need it done to get the boat on Sat!)20141105_174424

The painting I did last night didn’t dry… Well not all the way anyways. So I will wait until tomorrow to put the carpet on the bunks. I need to get roofing nails from the shop anyway. Yes roofing nails! I’m not going to use staples. They rust out too quickly. I have a box of galvanized roofing nails sitting in the shop.

I will take most of the day off tomorrow but I will get the angle iron I didn’t get today and drill the holes I need to. I will also get the nails and put the carpet on the bunks. All easy sit down stuff.
I am picking up a 6hp Johnson long shaft OB around 5 tomorrow. It will be perfect for the Siren.

One thought on “Silly dog. I’m not that tasty!

    Snowshoes, Football, Critters. « fpsailingcharters said:
    February 2, 2015 at 4:22 am

    […] and one black squirrel and a German Shepard. (It didn’t bite me like the other one did… Link: […]

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